Shopping Day

Mar 15, 2010

Oh my god. Today seems like such a terrific day to shop. Spring is here and seeing all the lovely bright colors in the stores brighten up my day too! 


Bought 2 tees from A&E. 2 dresses, 1 skirt and 1 top from Forever21. 1 red casual clutch bag from Old Navy. So shiok. Below shot was taken in Old Navy. Yes, tell me about it. My girl is all gear up for summer! She's just short of a bikini set. LOL.

买了了好几件衣服和裙子。在 Old Navy,坤仔把宝宝打扮的好像要去沙滩一样。很阳光吧。

And I bought a play yard from Toy R Us for Keira for only US$40. I don't know why it is so cheap but it is from the same range as her high chair. Hubby will fix it up tomorrow and we will see how good it is for such a cheap price. 

到Toy R Us买了一个围栏才US40。好便宜哦。

Dinner was at Chuck-Arama. Their dinner buffet is pretty cheap. US$10 + free flow of drinks and it taste better than Golden Corral. Nice company too.


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