What's going during the week? And Baby Keira is 20 weeks old now. 這星期發生了什麼事?寶寶20周大了。

Nov 7, 2009

So Keira really did behaved herself during our just Mother & Daughter visit to Wal-Mart on Thursday and I even have some time to sit down and have a SubWay sandwich before coming back to base where we picked up Jane afterwards and off to Commissary for some grocery shopping. After which, both Susan and Jane came over to our house for an impromptu baking session. We baked blueberry muffin and it's very delicious especially when they are fresh out from the oven. We decided to do it often so that our time during the weekdays can pass quickly.

星期四是我和寶寶第二次自己去超市。她很乖讓我還有時間在快餐店吃了三明治再回base裡面。接著去接了Jane到Commisary 買菜。然後決定來我家烘松饼。很好吃特别是剛剛從烤箱出來。

Had a long day yesterday. First off to Post Office, then to Jane's house and then off to the Wives' briefing at the base. Right at the start of the day, Keira is already not behaving. Was cranky and keep crying over nothing. She just want me to hug and carry her. Super clingy. And it did not help at all for the rest of the day. 


And today, she just woke up at 3am for her feeding and slept till 10am. It was such a blessing for me to get such a long sleep seriously but I was surprised too when she didn't even cry for her usual 7+am feeding. I guess she must be too tired over yesterday's ordeal. 


This is my look of my rugged baby in normal days. Very 'Sam Seng' look right?

From a 'Sam Seng' transformed to a dainty little lady. 

Wearing her pretty outfit. A gift from her God-Ma. She really look so darling to me in this photo.

With F-15 behind us. I am beginning to look tiny beside both Hubby and Keira now. She seems to be growing so fast.

And finally, dinner at Kurly's after the wives' briefing. I love their Lobster Bisque 'Soup of the Day' on every Friday. Taste like laksa and very spicy.

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